This CW 160 Lap Sealer is Perfect for Wrapping Flexible Mailing Envelopes!
The Application:
Shrink Wrapping Stacks of Mailing Envelopes.
The Challenge:
Wrapping flexible stacks of mailing envelopes without distorting them while keeping the seals away from the face of the product.
Conflex recently placed one of our CW 160 Rotary Lap Sealers into a mailing envelope facility.
The Lap Seal Wrapper was a perfect fit for them as it has the ability to achieve high speeds while handling a variety of product. Another big benefit was the ability to keep the seals along the back side of the package and preserve the front for valuable marketing space.
The Problem:
Weak, flexible product has always been a challenge for shrink wrapping as the film has more shrink force than the product, causing the product to curl.
The Other Problem:
The shrink process involves a “bubble” of film around the product causing the side seals to migrate to the face of the package often distracting valuable marketing space or bar codes.
Additional Benefits to Lap Sealing:
- 2X the Film on the Roll = 1/2 roll changes and 1/2 downtime
- No Film Scrap to throw away = less downtime and better for environment
- Minimize film thickness due to no film tail to pull and break
- No Side Sealer to Maintain = More uptime!
- More Attractive Packages due to less film and no side seal along the side of the package
- Up to 27% less film on package
Be Careful! This project could have been completely botched by another shrink wrapper company yielding bad looking, expensive packages and high maintenance. The machine choice and optional equipment and experience of the people you work with matter in shrink wrapping.
A capable machine made in the USA.
Challenge us…we’ll make it happen for you.
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